Karyanubhav And Sangit Exam Mate Reday Made Word File
Voting is a method of making decisions or expressing their views through which a group (such as a constituency or a gathering in any meeting) can make a decision after discussion and debate. By the arrangement of voting, a member of a class or society discloses his decision on the choice of his representative in the Assembly or the Assembly of the State or in his or her choice in the election of an officer. From this point of view, this system is used in all elections and all parliamentary or direct legislation. In the totalitarian government, the person can be asked to reveal his opinion on the decisions taken by the dictators, but different types of authoritarian attempts to suppress their decisions only allow such voting to be formulated till the formal method. In the democratic government, voting gets dominant area and importance.
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In ancient India, there was an arrangement for election officials by voting in addition to Guticute (lot). In religious institutions, especially in Buddhist unions, certain rules of election were followed. In the "Chulbagg", Sakti mentions three methods of voting: secret ballot, do not reveal opinion in the ear, technique and open voting. For secret ballot, the Buddhist Sangh used to use colored woodwork as vote ballistic. The collector's collectors used to collect voters' votes by interpreting the meaning of colors and the decision of the majority was valid. In Europe, arrangement of voting in ancient Greece and Italy was in the form of a fig tree. It was prevalent in ancient monarchies that before the decision was made on certain serious issues, the king invited him to get the consent of his subjects. The manner in which these opinions were expressed was verbal. Apart from Gutikat in Athens, there was a tradition of raising and not presenting the hand, where there was a voting system. But there was secret ballot arrangements on topics that affect a person's social status. In Rome, according to the second century, the method of voting was to "split" (i.e., people of one vote were separated from the second opinion). But due to the economic and social adoption of most voters' feudalists, this system could not be suitable for independent voting. Hence, the ballot paper was arranged by the legislation for which the venerable woodcutters were used.
Karyanubhav And Sangit Exam Mate Reday Made Word File
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